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vznikla v roku 1993 a úspešne realizuje svoje aktivity v oblasti komplexného nakladania s nebezpečnými odpadmi a recyklácie stavebných odpadov. Dekontaminácia, sanácia, likvidácia ropného znečistenia, zneškodňovanie odpadov. Recyklácia stavebných odpadov, predaj štrku, piesku, kameniva.
As a buzz concept and the economic platform of the future, cloud computing may of course be founded on all sorts of technologies. Still, the main technology associated by many with the concept is open source. Why? Consultancy means only help. Experience gathered on the market clearly illustrates potential risks when implementing IT projects. Not just another mailing service. Case study - Web Agency. Agency wanted to focus on design and to keep only marketing and sales for hosting services.
Gérer et valoriser ses eaux vannes. Réaliser un bon compost nourricier. Se lancer dans le vermi-compostage. Evaluer la fertilité de son sol. Compostage de litières de toilettes sèches.
Providing a platform for a unified and informed approach to protect our environment. Roster of Public Interest Envir. To create and implement legal and management structures and mechanisms that will promote environmental protection, reform and sound policy in a democratic and free market society. And lack of awareness of environmental challenges.